6 Most Common TPD Claims with Examples

The most common types of successful TPD claims are cancer, heart attack, hearing or sight loss, loss of limb, PTSD, anxiety and depression, and other mental health conditions. View our examples of successful TPD claims in our guide.
the most common TPD claims in Australia

Guide to the Top 6 Most Common TPD Claims

Lump sum TPD payout icon

Common Types of TPD Claims in Australia

This article outlines the common types of TPD claims in Australia, which will help you understand your options when permanently disabled.

You likely don’t know your legal entitlements when you have an illness or injury and are unable to work. Although most Australian workers have Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance coverage through their superannuation fund, they are often unaware they can make a TPD claim.

At Aussie Injury Lawyers, our TPD lawyers let you know if you can make a TPD claim, for free – Call Now 1300 873 252

Common Super Fund Life Insurance Policies

A man with broken leg on his bed viewing a tpd insurance policy on an ipad

Everyday Aussies typically have multiple super insurance policies that provide financial security, including TPD cover. You probably dislike giving your hard-earned money to insurance companies, but most people understand the necessity of having financial protection. Generally, we don’t want anything to go wrong in our lives, but not having insurance at a time like that could leave you financially destitute.

Disability Insurance Through Superannuation Funds

Almost all working Australians have contributed money to a superannuation account. If you are one of these, you most likely have several life insurance policies within your superannuation fund. You could have:

  • Permanent disability TPD insurance
  • Life insurance cover
  • Income protection insurance
Total and permanent disability claims icon

When you cannot work in your usual occupation because of an illness or injury, you could make a total and permanent disability claim. In Australia, many medical conditions, including recognised psychological diseases, qualify for TPD insurance claims. Successful TPD payouts are usually in the form of a lump sum payment that can be non-taxable income.

Furthermore, some fortunate people can make multiple TPD claims if they have contributed to multiple super funds with associated TPD policies.

Life insurance is also known as terminal illness, death cover or death claims. When you are terminally ill or have passed, you or your loved ones can access a lump sum payout or an income stream.

More about life insurance claims >

You could claim income protection insurance when a temporary illness or injury stops you from working. Usually, a TTD payout is 75% of your usual pay and distributed as an income stream.

More about income protection claims >

A woman viewing documents to see if she can make a TPD claim

More about TPD Insurance Claims

Icon for examples of TPD claims

Common Examples of TPD Claims

In Australia, a mental illness or other serious injury or illness could totally and permanently disable you. But some common examples of TPD claims  include medical conditions caused by:

  • Car and work accidents
  • Brain and spine injuries
  • Terminal illness
  • Eyesight and hearing loss
  • Chronic illnesses like heart conditions, dementia and Alzheimer’s, liver disease, arthritis, Parkinson’s and more
  • Recognised mental health conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

the Most Common TPD Claims

In Australia, some common illnesses, physical injuries, and psychological disorders qualify for a successful permanent disability claim.

When you make a TPD claim, it is crucial to provide medical evidence that shows you won’t fully recover from your permanent disability. Here are some common TPD claims that qualify for a lump sum payout.

Concept image for cancer is a common TPD claim in Australia

1. Cancer TPD Claim

Over 400 Australians a day are diagnosed with cancer, and sadly, about 135 people pass away from this permanent illness every day. Thankfully, a wide range of terminal cancers qualify as total and permanent disabilities, which makes them a common type of TPD claim.

If you are a working Australian with a terminal cancer diagnosis, making it hard for you to work and earn a living, you could claim TPD. Generally, you will require extensive treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, resulting in considerable medical expenses. So, your TPD payout will help you fund your life during this challenging time, allowing you to make the most of your life. Ask an experienced TPD lawyer how it works.

More about cancer-related TPD claims >

2. Claiming TPD for PTSD

Common TPD claims include those for mental illness, like PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric illness suffered by people who have lived through a stressful incident like war, violence, sexual assault, a severe accident, a near-death experience or something similar.

Mental illness TPD claims are increasingly common in Australia as insurance companies and employers understand the impacts psychiatric conditions have on the ability of employees to do their jobs.

More about PTSD disability claims >

A person thinking about making a TPD insurance claim for depression

3. TPD Claim for Anxiety and Depression

Other common TPD claims include those for anxiety and depression. Given the impact of this type of mental health disorder on your capacity to work, it should not be surprising that depression and anxiety are common types of mental illness disability claims.

Severe anxiety and depression can disrupt your ability to work due to your inability to focus, process your thoughts, or perform simple tasks like getting out of bed every day.

When you are medically diagnosed as suffering from anxiety and depression, you could have a successful TPD claim for a psychological illness.

More about mental illness TPD claims >

4. Stroke And Heart Attack Claims

In Australia, every 9 minutes, a person is admitted to the hospital due to a heart attack. Heart disease can happen at any stage of your life; however, your chance of stroke or heart attack increases as you age.

If you have a heart event, your ability to work can be severely impaired, giving rise to a TPD or TTD claim, depending on whether your condition is temporary or permanent.

TPD insurance Claims for Partial Paralysis

Partial paralysis can result from a stroke, reducing your capacity to communicate, speak, drive, operate machinery and perform other daily tasks. In this case, you would likely be considered totally and permanently disabled.

If you have had a heart attack or stroke, your medical professional (GP, surgeon or hospital staff) will assess your capacity to return to work, temporarily or permanently. Since these types of medical incidents happen later in life, claiming TPD benefits and retiring early may be a good choice.

People who suffer a heart attack or stroke and qualify as having a permanent disability can make a TPD claim and receive a lump sum payout. They can also access their super early because they can’t work.

More about TPD claims for heart events>

5. Loss of Sight or Hearing TPD Claims

Loss of one of your primary senses, such as hearing or sight, is very distressing. You must likely make substantial changes to cope with your new situation. Often, the loss of a sense can be sudden and unanticipated, making the impact of this event on your life more traumatic.

If you have declining vision or hearing, it will impact your capacity to work, depending on the nature of your usual occupation. To qualify as TPD, you need to be unable to work in your regular job, in most cases, depending on the terms and conditions of your superannuation policy insurance. In this situation, our team of expert TPD lawyers will guide you through the TPD claim process so you can access the money you need to cope with your new living conditions.

6. TPD Claim for Loss of Limb

Losing a limb or section of a limb is a serious but sometimes necessary decision made to ensure survival. Amputation can also be the outcome of a severe or catastrophic accident, like a car accident. Limbs are sometimes removed because of the following:

  • a severe wound or infectious disease
  • gangrene infection
  • due to cancerous tissue
  • because of a bad accident
  • deformed limb

It is an understatement to say that amputation would disrupt your life. In this situation, you are highly likely to qualify for a successful TPD claim payout.

TPD claims process infographic

What is the Claim Process for Successful TPD Claims?

When you have a successful TPD insurance claim, the insurance company deposits a lump sum TPD payout in your superannuation account. Each insurer has procedures so that the claim process may change, but the steps below apply to most cases.

  1. Contact a specialist TPD lawyer for a free claim investigation
  2. They will find all your TPD policies
  3. Next, let the super fund and insurer know you will lodge a claim
  4. Collect evidence, including medical reports and assessments
  5. File TPD claim forms
  6. Your TPD Claim is approved or rejected
  7. When approved, you get a lump sum TPD benefit.

Be assured our experienced TPD lawyers understand the TPD claims process and how to make a successful claim.

Successful TPD claim icon

How a TPD Lawyer Helps Make a Successful TPD Claim

A couple shaking hands with a lawyer after having a successful TPD claim

We have reviewed the most common TPD claims in Australia. However, any injury or illness can qualify for a TPD lump sum payment (including chronic illnesses) when it prevents you from working.

Do you want to make a TPD claim but are unsure if you qualify? Aussie Injury Lawyers will advise if you qualify for free. We have helped thousands of Australians make a successful claim, including those unsure they had a chance. You can take comfort in knowing that our TPD claim specialists work to approve your claim quickly, with a 99% success rate.

All our compensation law services are 100% No Win No Fee. Pay our fees when you win and nothing if you lose. It’s the Aussie No Win, No Fee, No Risk guarantee. Call Now: 1300 873 252

A woman using a laptop to make a TPD claim

Most Common TPD Claim FAQs

While the term “Total and Permanent Disability” can give the perception that you must have a serious injury or illness, this is not essential for a successful TPD claim. Getting a lump sum TPD payout generally relies on meeting the definition of total and permanent disability of your TPD policy.

Most claimants only need to show that a health issue prevents them from performing their regular occupation or a role for which they have training or experience. Generally, this requires your medical records and evidence to prove your case.

In Australia (according to SuperRatings data), approximately 30% of insurance companies approve about 90% of TPD claims annually. However, statistics from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reveal that at least 16% of TPD claims are denied annually, making them the most commonly rejected category of insurance claims.

Interestingly, the refusal rate varies significantly depending on the insurance company providing the TPD policy. For this reason, your best chance to successfully claim TPD is to work with a specialist TPD lawyer who knows the claims process and has a 99% success rate – like Aussie Injury Lawyers.

Some lucky Aussies can make multiple TPD claims for one injury or illness because they have contributed to multiple superannuation funds. Typically, people forget they contributed to a super fund because they shift jobs every few years. The good news is that even if you haven’t paid into a super account for a period, you could still have current total permanent disability insurance.

Unsure if you can lodge more than one TPD insurance claim? No problem. For free, Aussie Injury Lawyers will investigate your current insurance cover and advise on your best legal options for a TPD lump sum payment. Call Now – 1300 873 252

In Australia, TPD payout amounts range between $30,000 and $500,000. However, people with TPD insurance in multiple superannuation funds receive much more.

People with successful TPD claims often question how TPD payouts affect Centrelink benefits. The good news is that there is generally no impact when you leave the funds in your existing superannuation account. However, there may be a Centrelink impact if you withdraw funds from your superannuation fund before retirement age.

Please consult a financial advisor before reducing your superannuation fund balance.

You can claim against your TPD insurance cover when an injury or illness stops you from working in your own occupation, or one for which you have training and experience. To successfully claim a TPD payment, you must prove how your Total and Permanent Disability disrupts your work capacity.

In Australia, TPD insurance companies generally seek to minimise or deny paying out benefits, which is when experienced TPD lawyers can help.

Another common TPD claim in Australia is “Own Occupation.” Generally, there are two main types of TPD insurance through superannuation funds: “Own” and “Any Occupation” TPD insurance. The type you have will determine if you can work again after making a successful TPD claim.

To receive a TPD payout from an “Own Occupation” policy, you must prove your permanent disability prevents you from working in your usual job role or one for which you have education, training or experience. This type of TPD policy generally allows you to work again after receiving a lump sum payment, as long as you train to work in a different industry suited to your physical or mental disability.

Own Occupation vs Any Occupation TPD >



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